

CPD Citizen Academy

CPD Citizen Academy

Recently, Dr. Christopher Donner completed the Chicago Police Department's Citizen Academy, which gives community members a task of what it's like to be a Chicago Police Officer. The goal of the program is to inform community members of everything that goes into the CPD, as well as to build a strong bond between the police and the community. The course is 10 weeks and meets once each week for three hours. It offers overviews of topics like procedural justice, physical skills, crisis intervention, criminal investigations, SWAT, use of force, and emergency management. The Citizen Academy is truly a small sampling of what officers experience. The classes feature the department's organization, polices, training, technology, and demonstrations of the topics. Presenters are from various units within the department such as Organized Crime, Investigative Services, Patrol, Internal Affairs, K-9, and more.