

Arli Mohamed

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Arli is a PhD candidate in the higher education program at 春风视频Chicago. Before transitioning to Loyola, Arli was at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where she earned her bachelor's and master's degree. There she worked in multiple capacities with students from diverse backgrounds, especially first-generation and other underrepresented populations, to have a seamless transition to postsecondary education. Arli led and co-facilitated multiple research projects including the credential attainment of Black males attending the City Colleges of Chicago, examining the emerging role of the Chief Diversity Officer role, experiences of faculty women of color in Jesuit institutions as well as community college advisors' role in students' pathways to medical school. However, her current research focuses on the educational experiences of Somali-Jareer Bantu students in HIED within the U.S., and their meaning-making process of their experiences.