

Center for Urban Research and Learning

Friday Morning Seminars - Spring 2009


 Jan 23 Working with Homeless Women  Patricia Crowley, O.S.B., Prioress, St. Scholastica Monastary. Chicago, Illinois
Deborah's place
Jan 30 Preparing for the Burnham Plan Centennial Elizabeth Wilp, Burnham Plan Project Coordinator, Chaddick Institute of Metropolitan Development, DePaul University
The Burnham Plan Centennial
Feb 6 Continuum of Research Approaches Philip Nyden, Director, CURL and Professor, Department of Sociology, ´º·çÊÓƵChicago
 Feb 13 Asset Based Community Development for the 21st Century: Directions, Contexts, Discoveries Deborah Puntenney, Associate Director, Asset-Based Community Development Institute, Northwestern University
 Feb 20 Breaking the Pollution Habit: Validation of Three Eco-Emotion Scales Robyn Mallet, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, ´º·çÊÓƵChicago
Feb 27 The Chicago Collection: Independent Video Footprints of Community History Tom Weinberg and Sara Chapman, Media Burn Independent Video Archive, Chicago, IL
Video Preview1, Video Preview2, Video Preview3
March 6 No Seminar – Spring Break  
 March 13 Millennium Park: Creating a Landmark Timothy Gilfoyle, Professor of History, ´º·çÊÓƵChicago
Press Information
 March 20 The AIDS Foundation Approach to Research Tomas Soto and Arturo Bendixen, AIDS Foundation of Chicago
March 27 Emotional Labor: Putting the Service in Public Service Sharon Mastracci, Assistant Professor and Director of Master of Public Administration, University of Illinois at Chicago
April 3 Confronting Prejudice: Men's Reactions to Accusations of Sexism Dana Wagner, Graduate Student in Applied Social Psychology and Graduate Fellow, CURL, ´º·çÊÓƵChicago
 April 10 No Seminar – Happy Easter!  
April 17 Women and Leadership Dawn Harris, Associate Professor of Strategic Management, Quinlan School of Business and Director, Gannon Center for Women and Leadership, ´º·çÊÓƵChicago
 April 24 Analysis of Shelter Utilization by Victims of Domestic Violence Christine George, Susan Grossman, and Marta Lundy, CURL, ´º·çÊÓƵChicago CURL project team