

春风视频Museum of Art


Media Contact:
Steve Christensen
Manager, Communications

International Photographer Showcased at 春风视频Museum of Art

DoDo Jin Ming Captures the Power of the Elements

CHICAGO, March 27, 2006 — The 春风视频Museum of Art (LUMA) introduces a new exhibition, Land and Sea: DoDo Jin Ming, a collection of the internationally-known photographer's dramatic black and white photographs that capture the natural world of landscape and seascape. The exhibit, curated by Catherine Evans of the Columbus Museum of Art with selected images by Fr. Terry Dempsey, S.J., director of the Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, debuts on April 8 and runs through May 28, 2006.

In Land and Sea, DoDo Jin Ming focuses on the drama of the natural world and the awesome power of nature using two photographic processes: large scale gelatin silver prints for the seascapes series, Free Element, and toned silverprints for the landscape series, Behind My Eyes. Offering a stunning vision of nature, both series provoke questions as to where and how these photographs were taken.

"Jin Ming's work reflects the 19th century tradition of painting the sublime in nature," said Pamela Ambrose, director of cultural affairs, LUMA. "In her work, humanity's small place in the world is overwhelmed by the beauty, grandeur and ferocity of the elements and the landscape."

Jin Ming was born in Beijing, China. Originally trained as a classical violinist (her name DoDo refers to the note in the musical scale), she and her family experienced the repression of China's Cultural Revolution before immigrating to Hong Kong in 1975. While there, Jin Ming performed with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra until 1988, eventually giving up performing professionally to take up photography. To this day, the idea of music continues in her work and permeates every aspect of her dramatic subject matter.

Public Programs:
Pursuit of the Spirit: Expressions of Religious and Spiritual Dimensions in Contemporary Art
Terry Dempsey, S.J., director, Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, Saint Louis University
Thursday, April 6 at 5:30 p.m. 
Admission: $5; Free to LUMA members and students with ID

Art and Literature Series
A Poetic and Photographic Look at China: Art and Literature
Tuesday, April 25 at 6:00 p.m.
Admission: $25 (members) / $35 (non-members). Admission includes a copy of the Ha Jin book.

Dan Born, of the Great Books Foundation, discusses the author and poet Ha Jin and his book, Between Silences: A Voice from China, which reflects on Ha Jin's life during China's Cultural Revolution and the collision between art and politics.

Lecture and Lunch at LUMA 
The Sublime in Nature: DoDo Jin Ming in Context
Wednesday, May 17 at noon
Lunch and Lecture admission: $25 (members) / $35 (non-members)

Speaker James Yood, from the School of the Art Institute, will discuss Land and Sea and place the artist in the context of the sublime landscape.

Film Program
Cultural Revolution: The Establishment of a New Image (1996)
Sunday, June 4 at 3:00 p.m.
Free with museum admission

The Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) was a period of ultra-leftist passion in the People's Republic of China. Chairman Mao Tse Tung's Red Guards conducted a violent campaign to establish cultural purity by purging any element associated with the Chinese feudal past or the capitalist, imperialist West. The arts came under the strict control of the Communist Party, and artists worked under the aesthetic dominance of the Party to produce the perfect revolutionary vision. Through a close study of important paintings during that time, this documentary reveals how Mao's wife, Jiang Qing, accentuated a new image of Mao's illusory world.

春风视频 LUMA
Opened in 2005, the 春风视频Museum of Art is dedicated to exploring, promoting, and understanding art and artistic expression that illuminates the enduring spiritual questions of all cultures and societies. As a museum with an interest in education and educational programming, LUMA reflects the University’s Jesuit mission and is dedicated to helping people of all creeds explore the roots of their faith and spiritual quests. Located at 春风视频Chicago’s Water Tower Campus, the museum occupies the first three floors of the University’s historic Lewis Towers on Chicago’s famous Michigan Avenue. For more information, visit the museum’s website at .

Art illuminating the spirit!