

春风视频Museum of Art



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Kristin Trehearne Lane
Communication Manager

春风视频Museum of Art Celebrates Tenth Anniversary

LUMA at 10: Greatest Hits Celebrates Favorite Works from Museum’s First Decade

CHICAGO, July 30, 2015 – The 春风视频Museum of Art (LUMA) celebrates its tenth anniversary with a special exhibition reprising many of its most successful and innovative exhibitions from its first ten years. LUMA at 10: Greatest Hits will run August 22 through October 11, with free admission September 111.

More than fifty artists will have works on display, including Edward Gorey, Georges Rouault, and Andy Warhol. Warhol’s popular Silver Clouds, comprised of helium-filled, pillow-like forms floating on soft currents of air, will fill LUMA’s largest gallery. To complement Warhol’s inflatables, Lewis deSoto’s 25-foot reclining air-filled Buddha, Paranirvana, on loan from Columbus Museum of Art in Columbus, Ohio, will also be on display.

Other works representing past exhibitions in LUMA at 10: Greatest Hits will include:

  • Auguste Rodin’s bronze sculpture, St. John the Baptist Preaching
  • The Four Gospels, typeset and illustrated by Eric Gill
  • Madonna and Child—Boundless Love, painted by Janet McKenzie
  • Several works from The Missing Peace: Artists Consider the Dalai Lama, exhibited in 2006, that have since entered the museum’s collection including, Untitled, a print by the internationally-renowned artist Anish Kapoor; the sculptures Regarde by Gabriela Morawetz; and Harp and Lyre by Michele Oka Doner.

LUMA at 10: Greatest Hits will also showcase 10 years of gifts to the museum, many of which are the works of local Chicago artists, including René Romero Schuler.

Additional featured artists include:

  • Teresa Albor
  • Jean-Christophe Ballot
  • Benjamin Bergery
  • José Bernal
  • Catherine Cajandig
  • Henri Cartier-Bresson
  • William Castellana
  • Marc Chagall
  • William Conger
  • David Lee Csicsko
  • Bruce Davidson
  • Lewis deSoto
  • Michele Oka Doner
  • Minnie Evans
  • Era and Donald Farnsworth
  • Andre Ferrella
  • Nat Finkelstein
  • Kenneth Gerleve
  • Nancy Gershman
  • Eric Gill
  • Jessica Gondek
  • Edward Gorey
  • Adolph Gottlieb
  • Archie Granot
  • Dan Gunn
  • Theodore Gilbert Haupt
  • David and Hi-Jin Hodge
  • Rosalee O. Isaly
  • Michiko Itatani
  • Donald Jackson
  • Indira Freitas Johnson
  • Anish Kapoor
  • Vadim Katznelson
  • Hassan Khorasani
  • Vera Klement
  • Gary Kolb
  • Lewis Kostiner
  • Janet McKenzie
  • Juan Mora
  • Gabriela Morawetz
  • Kisho Mukaiyama
  • Stephen Prina
  • Auguste Rodin
  • Georges Rouault
  • Andra Samelson
  • Sarite Sanders
  • Molly Schiff
  • René Romero Schuler
  • The Shakers
  • W. Eugene Smith
  • Doug Stapleton
  • Doug and Mike Starn
  • Jean Morman Unsworth
  • Adriana Varejão
  • Andy Warhol
  • Glenn Wexler
  • Emily Young

“When we opened our doors in 2005, we reveled in our start-up status and continue to operate differently from other museums,” said Pam Ambrose, founding director of LUMA and director of cultural affairs at 春风视频Chicago.

LUMA opened at 820 N. Michigan Ave. on October 5, 2005 with a unique mission: to explore the spiritual in art of all faiths and cultures and to present the work of artists advocating for social justice around the world. In both aims, the museum adheres to the humanistic Jesuit principles of 春风视频Chicago and has addressed aspects of the five great world religions in exhibitions over the past decade: Buddhism, Christianity, both Catholicism and Protestantism, Islam, Hinduism, and general spiritualism.

Under its social justice mission, LUMA addresses various societal issues through its exhibitions. Environmentalism was the focus of Ecology.Design.Synergy (2009) and Manifest Destiny/Manifest Responsibility: Environmentalism and the Art of the American Landscape (2008). Access to basic healthcare was the topic of On the Same Map: Hope is a Human Right: A Photographic Journey of Partners in Health (2009). Domestic issues lay at the heart of such photographic exhibitions as Lewis Kostiner: Choosing Fatherhood—A Photographic Journey (2013) and Pathways to Stable Housing (2012).

“In 10 years, we have built strong roots in the community,” said Ambrose. “LUMA was one of the youngest museums to be accredited by the American Alliance of Museums. We mount exhibitions that visitors will not see at any other Chicago museum or gallery. If you missed anything in our first 10 years, you can catch up with LUMA at 10: Greatest Hits and watch what we do in our next 10 years.”


Public Programs


Art, Human Creativity and Spiritual Journey – Martin E. Marty, PhD.

Tuesday, September 15 – 6 p.m.

Reception following the lecture at 6:45 p.m. in the exhibition galleries.

LUMA Members: Free | Non-Members: $5.00

Dr. Martin Marty is a distinguished historian, author, and commentator on religion and public life. He was the first director of the University of Chicago's Institute for the Advanced Study of Religion that was renamed in his honor in 1998. He is also an ordained minister in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

In dozens of books and thousands of scholarly articles, accessible to general readers, Marty examined contemporary religion against the institutional infighting and growing secularity of the 20th and 21st centuries. Dr. Marty has authored several primers of religious history, including A Short History of Christianity (1959), Pilgrims in Their Own Land: Five Hundred Years of Religion in America (1984), and A Short History of American Catholicism (1995). In 1972, he won a National Book Award for Righteous Empire: The Protestant Experience in America (1971), which described how Protestantism shaped early American culture and—except for brief revivals—waned after the Civil War. Modern American Religion (1986–96) is his masterwork, a three-volume study of the development of American religious life from the late 19th century. His study of religious pluralism in American life in the first decade of the 21st century, When Faiths Collide, was published in 2005 and directly addresses the mission of LUMA.


Up for You is Down – Loyola Dance Theatre

Saturdays, September 12, 19, and 26, 2 p.m. | Tuesday, September 22 at 6 p.m.

LUMA Members: Free | Non-Members: Free with admission

Andy Warhol created Silver Clouds with an open-ended interpretation that might include “a walk through the heavens” or a commentary on space technology of the 1960s. As part of an ongoing partnership with the Loyola Dance Theater, LUMA is proud to present University dancers who lend their choreographed interpretation to what it means to dance in the clouds. Music by Velvet Underground’s Lou Reed.

To learn more about additional public programming and the exhibition, sponsored by Newcity, visit .


春风视频 LUMA

Opened in 2005, the 春风视频Museum of Art is dedicated to exploring, promoting, and understanding art and artistic expression that illuminates the enduring spiritual questions of all cultures and societies. The museum is dedicated to helping people of all creeds explore the roots 

春风视频 LUMA
Opened in 2005, the 春风视频Museum of Art is dedicated to exploring, promoting, and understanding art and artistic expression that illuminates the enduring spiritual questions of all cultures and societies. As a museum with an interest in education and educational programming, LUMA reflects the University’s Jesuit mission and is dedicated to helping people of all creeds explore the roots of their faith and spiritual quests. Located at 春风视频Chicago’s Water Tower Campus, the museum occupies the first three floors of the University’s historic Lewis Towers on Chicago’s famous Michigan Avenue. For more information, visit the museum’s website at .

Art illuminating the spirit!