

Department of Classical Studies


Congratulations Classical Studies students!

Congratulations Classical Studies students!

Graduating seniors Meghan Jackson and Katie Narayan at the Weekend of Excellence.

The Department of Classical Studies is proud to celebrate the success of their students in 2016-17!

Departmental Key and Certificate Honorees:

John T. O’Connell Key for Classical Civilization – Katie Narayan ('17)

Dr. D. Herbert Abel Key for Ancient Greek – Colin Cascio ('18)

Fr. James J. Mertz, S.J., Key for Latin – Michael Coffey ('17)

SCS Award for Outstanding Achievement in Classical Studies – Abbie Orr ('19)

CAMWS Award for Outstanding Achievement in Classical Studies – Meghan Jackson ('17)

ICC Award for Outstanding Achievement in Classical Studies – Laura Heinson ('17)

Fr. Matt Creighton, S.J., Undergraduate Essay Contest:

First Prize – Stephanie Wong ('18), “The Politics of Poison: Murder and Gender in Ancient Rome”

Second Prize – Olga Athena Triantafilidis ('18), “Preservation by Theft: The Encyclopedic Museum and the Politics of Repatriation”

Edwin P. Menes Translation Contests:

Greek – Matthew Walcutt ('20)

Latin – Matthew Walcutt ('20)

Latin, Honorable Mention – Katie Narayan ('17)

National Awards and Honors:

– Stephanie Wong ('18)

– Stephanie Wong ('18)

 – Michael Coffey ('17)

Eta Sigma Phi Initiates:

Emily Bouroudjian (post-bac)

Colin Cascio ('18)

Hank Lanphier (post bac)

Abbie Orr ('19)

Matt Walcutt ('20)

Research Presented at the :

Meghan Jackson ('17), "Antiquities at Loyola: Research on the Artifact Collection of the Classical Studies Department" (poster presentation)

Katie Narayan ('17), "Animal Imagery in Alcman's 'Partheneion 1'" (paper presentation)