

Department of Classical Studies


Student research in Classical Studies

Student research in Classical Studies

Stephanie Wong examines an inscription in the Epigraphic Museum, Athens, Greece

Thanks to the generous donors who help support our department, we were able to support these three students to travel to present their research this year.


Hank Lanphier (Classics Post-Baccalaureate '18) presented "Didactic Medea: Problems and Possibilities in Using Medea to Study Athenian Gender Roles in the Classroom" at the annual meeting of , based on his reflections on teaching Greek history to middle school students.

Keegan Sims (Classical Civ '18) worked on a project on agriculture in the Greek archaic period for an upper-level seminar. He adapted his paper, "Agriculture and Debt-Slavery in Archaic Greece" for presentation at the  in February. 

Stephanie Wong (BA-Classics '18) researched Roman graffiti and ancient literacy as a Provost Fellow. She presented "Dominance through Permanence: Schoolboy Graffiti in the Greco-Roman World" at the annual meeting of in April.


Are you a student interested in doing research or internships? Get started by visiting our Fellowships and Other Opportunities page.