

Forensic Science Program

Program Statistics


Graduation Rate

The graduation rate for the Forensic Science Program each year is calculated based on the ratio of graduates divided by student enrollment in FRSC 340 - Introduction to Forensic Science from two years prior (sophomore cohort). Find more information on the curriculum here.

Example:  AY 2019-2020 graduates = 21; Fall FRSC 340 Fall 2017 enrollment = 26

Academic Year Graduates / FRSC 340 Enrollment Forensic Science Program Graduation Rate University Graduation Rate*
2023-2024 31 / 39 79.5% Not yet available
2022-2023 28 / 49 57.1% Not yet available
2021-2022 26 / 43 60.4% Coming soon
2020-2021 18 / 34 52.9% Coming soon
2019-2020 21 / 26 80.8% Coming soon

*University Student Achievement


Academic Performance

Academic performance is assessed using various metrics.  The following table summarizes the metrics of recent graduating classes.  

Academic Year Number of Graduates Graduate Cumulative GPA Graduation with Distinction^ Average years to degree
2023-2024 31 3.30 14 3.74
2022-2023 28 3.44 15 3.81
2021-2022 26 3.28 8 4.07
2020-2021 18 3.28 6 3.99
2019-2020 21 3.23 5 4.02

^All levels of distinction included (cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude)


Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate research with Forensic Science faculty by year

  • AY 2023-2024: 5
  • AY 2022-2023: 4 (all Mulcahy Scholars)
  • AY 2021-2022: 5
  • AY 2020-2021: 25
  • AY 2019-2020: 4 (1 Mulcahy Scholar)

Research topics since Fall 2019

  • Drug Chemistry & Toxicology
    • Chemical Analysis of Wild Fungi
    • Development of Quantitative Method for DMAA
    • Analysis of Pyrogallol and Purpurogallin by GC-MS
    • Analysis of CBD in Gelatin-Based Products
    • New GC-MS Assay for Amphetamine and Methamphetamine
    • New GC-MS Assay for MDA and MDMA
    • Derivatization of cannabinoid acids
    • Analysis of cannabis terpenes via GC-EI-MS
    • CE analysis of drugs/Analysis of CBD in edible cannabis products
    • Analysis of cannabinoid acids via GC-EI-MS
    • Derivatization of Phosphatidylethanol for GC-MS Analysis
    • Quantitation of Eugenol and Acetyleugenol in Cloves
  • Forensic Biology & DNA
    • Fungal Species Cross-Reactivity in Semen Testing
    • Emerging DNA Technologies and Ethical Concerns
    • Evaluation of Reduced Reaction Volumes for Quantifiler® Duo and Quantifiler® Trio
    • Genetic Genealogy in a Forensic Context
    • Applications and Implications of Forensic DNA Phenotyping
    • Disaster Victim Identification and Forensic DNA Challenges
    • Quantifiler® Trio Reduced Reaction Volume and Inhibited Samples


Student-involved research presented at local regional, national, and international symposia and conferences: Loyola URES, Loyola Chemistry Undergraduate Research Symposia, Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, MATT, and PEth-Net



Internships by year

  • AY 2023-2024: 19
  • AY 2022-2023: 18
  • AY 2021-2022: 7
  • AY 2020-2021: 0
  • AY 2019-2020: 7

Internship Partner Agencies# 

  • Forensic Science Laboratories (Illinois State Police – Forensic Science Center at Chicago, Chicago, IL; Illinois State Police – Metro East Forensic Science Laboratory, Belleville, IL; Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, St. Paul, MN; Indiana State Police, Indianapolis, IN; Georgia Bureau of Identification, Decatur, GA; Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office, Minneapolis, MN; US Department of Justice, various locations; Midwest Regional Forensic Science Laboratory, Anoka, MN; Department of Forensic Services, Washington DC)
  • Private Forensic / Industrial Laboratories (Quest Diagnostics, Wood Dale, IL; INX International, West Chicago, IL; Simple Laboratories, Harwood Heights, IL; Cadre Forensics, Evanston, IL; US Drug Testing Laboratories, Des Plaines, IL; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD)
  • Law Enforcement Agencies (Illinois State Police – Division of Criminal Investigations, Macomb, IL; Illinois State Police – Division of Patrol, Elgin, IL; Illinois State Police – Crime Scene Services Command, Rockford, IL; Ballwin Police Department, Ballwin, MO; Elgin Police Department, Elgin, IL; Mundelein Police Department, Mundelein, IL; Illinois State Police – Legal, Springfield, IL; Palatine Police Department, Palatine, IL; McHenry County Sheriff’s Office, Woodstock, IL)
  • Forensic Science Education Programs (Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence at Iowa State University, Ames, IA; Forensic Mentoring Institute at the Center for Forensic Science Research & Education, Horsham, PA; Center for Forensic Science Advancement and Application at RTI International, virtual)
  • Coroner’s & Medical Examiner’s Offices (Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office; Chicago, IL; Kane County Coroner’s Office; St. Charles, IL; Spokane Medical Examiner’s Office; Spokane, WA)

Intern Projects by Category# 

  • Trace Chemistry & Microscopy (Degradation of accelerants; validation study of non-pGSR threshold on SEM; analysis of burned and unburned samples using active and passive charcoal extraction procedures; evaluation of black cotton and its resilience)
  • Drug Chemistry & Toxicology (Blood preservatives effect on blood alcohol content; compilation of drugs found in suspected DFSA cases; method development of cannabis extractions for the Liquid Chromatography - Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (LCQQQ); decision point analysis to differentiate between cannabis and hemp based on THC content; GC-MS user library & training sample creation; confirmation specimen processing for toxicological samples;  toxicological specimen accessioning; validation studies of new IR instrument; prescription drug monitoring)
  • Pattern Evidence (The effect of weight on outsole impressions; digitizing firearm databases; 1,2-Indanedione validation study; refining Ardrox processing conditions; cyanoacrylate condition optimization; comparison of MRM 10 performance against Ardrox and Rhodamine; Wet Wop latent print processing validation; software development for firearms)
  • Biology & DNA (Evaluation of swabbing methods for touch DNA on firearms; sexual assault kit initiative; instrument maintenance)
  • Crime Scene & Criminal Investigations (Students assigned to criminal investigation and / or crime scene units of law enforcement agencies have experiences aligned with the daily work required of their supervisors.  Duties will vary depending on the day.  Examples include: collection and preservation of evidence; field testing evidence for drugs or body fluids; assisting with documentation of crime scenes; observing interviews, courtroom testimony, and sobriety field tests; evidence audits; public service / community engagement events)
  • Industrial Forensics (Quantifying and qualifying risks associated with photoinitators in ink; screening and standardization for set-off migration in UV cured inks)

#To maintain confidentiality, not all internship sites, projects or details are listed.  Project and agency information 2021 - present.


Post-Graduation Success

A survey was sent in May 2024 to alumni who graduated in AY 2022-2023 (N=28, 18 responses).  This survey complies with the updated 2023 FEPAC Standard 3.3.4.  Responses are below.  

A pie chart depicting the employment and educational status of alumni six months after graduation

A pie chart showing alumni employment categories



Updated 26 June 2024