

Mathematics and Statistics

BS in Mathematics

Students earning a B.S. in Mathematics will acquire foundational knowledge in the field, as well as competency in the critical thinking, technological, and communication skills necessary for its application. The prevalent use of increasingly complex mathematical models in every STEM field (and beyond), has made facility with the language and techniques of mathematics a highly desirable skill. Graduating students are prepared for industry jobs in finance, tech, risk analysis, climate science, criminal justice, and the like, as well as teaching careers in secondary school or junior college. Typical destinations for students wishing to pursue graduate studies are biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, engineering, finance, law, medicine, and of course, mathematics.

Curriculum (Effective Fall 2023)

AP Credit Policies


  • Two years of Calculus, including Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations: Math 161, Math 162, Math 263, Math 264
  • Introduction to Discete Mathematics & Number Theory: Math 201
  • Linear Algebra: Math 212
  • Probability & Statistics: Stat 203 or Math/Stat 304
  • One of the following two courses:
    • Mathematical Programming: Math 215
    • Object-Oriented Programming:
  • One year of Modern Algebra:
  • One year of Analysis:
  • Two 3-credit upper division (300-level) electives in mathematics.
  • Science requirement:
    • Choose 2 from the following list (6 credits):
      • BIOL 101 General Biology I (3 cr)
      • BIOL 102 General Biology II (3 cr)
      • CHEM 160 Chemical Structure and Properties (3 cr)
      • CHEM 180 Chemical Reactivity (3 cr)
      • PHYS 121 College Physics I (3 cr)
      • PHYS 122 College Physics II (3 cr)
      • ANTH 101 Human Origins (3 cr)
      • ENVS 101 The Scientific Basis of Environmental Issues (3 cr)

Recent elective courses have included:

Note: 51 total credit hours

Students must also satisfy all requirements of Loyola university and the college of arts and sciences. Students pursuing this major are exempt from the "Quantitative Knowledge and Inquiry" and "Scientific Knowledge and Inquiry" core requirements. 


Curriculum (Prior to Fall 2023)

AP Credit Policies


  • Two years of Calculus, including Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations: Math 161, Math 162, Math 263, Math 264
  • Introduction to Discete Mathematics & Number Theory: Math 201
  • Linear Algebra: Math 212
  • Probability & Statistics: Stat 203 or Math/Stat 304
  • One of the following two courses:
    • Mathematical Programming: Math 215
    • Object-Oriented Programming:
  • One year of Modern Algebra:
  • One year of Analysis:
  • Two 3-credit upper division (300-level) electives in mathematics.

Recent elective courses have included:

  • Probability & Statistics II: 
  • Numerical Methods: 
  • Combinatorics: 
  • Mathematical Logic: 
  • Cryptography: Math 331
  • Geometry: 
  • Methods of Applied Mathematics: Math 355
  • Mathematical Modeling: Math 356
  • Introduction to Optimization: Math 358
  • Introduction to Game Theory: 
  • Introduction to Partial Differential Equations: Math 365
  • Applied Dynamical Systems: Math 366

Note: 45 total credit hours